107 Vista Centre Drive, Forest, VA 24551

FirstNET® Built With AT&T

FirstNET® Built With AT&T

FirstNet®, Built with AT&T has teamed with Catalyst Communications Technologies to provide Catalyst Dispatch and Interworking solutions to FirstNet users.
The Catalyst Propulsion™ Dispatch Console can connect seamlessly with both FirstNet subscribers (through FirstNet Push-to-Talk, a 3GPP mission-critical standards-based service) and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) subscribers. Propulsion can patch LMR to LTE users as easily as it can patch LMR to LMR users today. Through its intuitive user interface, FirstNet Push-to-Talk users and talk groups are easily identified, similar to how LMR radio resources are identified, providing dispatchers with a consistent user

You can read about the AT&T – Catalyst Communications
Technologies joint marketing agreement HERE.