107 Vista Centre Drive, Forest, VA 24551

Getting Ready for IWCE

IWCE is one of two major trade shows (the second being APCO) that Catalyst attends andimage4 has a prominent presence with booth and speaking presentations.

Since 1977, the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) has been the authoritative annual event for communications technology professionals in critical communications. We join over 370 other exhibitors showcasing the latest products and trends in the communications industry.

Over 7,000 individuals attend from a diverse group of industry professionals including government/military; public safety (law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical & 911); utility; transportation and business. This year’s show will be held March 27-31, 2017 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV.

Catalyst starts its prep for this show this week – March is just around the corner – and this year promises to be an exciting show, with new product and capabilities demonstrated that help improve the performance of First Responders across the globe.